Based on different processing methods and characteristics, large leaf tea can be classified into several categories, each with its unique traits:

<span style="text-decoration: underline;"><strong>Green Tea</strong></span>
<li>Processing Method: When producing green tea from large leaf tea, it undergoes steps such as fixation, rolling, and drying, retaining the natural color and fresh aroma of the leaves. Green tea is a non-fermented type of tea.</li>
<li>Characteristics: The tea infusion of green tea has a greenish-yellow hue, a refreshing aroma, and a mild taste. Due to the lack of significant fermentation, green tea tends to have a relatively lower caffeine content.</li>
<strong><span style="text-decoration: underline;">Black Tea</span></strong>
<li>Processing Method: To create black tea, large leaf tea goes through withering, rolling, fermentation, and drying processes. The color of the leaves changes from green to red, resulting in a robust flavor profile, as black tea is fully fermented.</li>
<li>Characteristics: The tea infusion of black tea has a reddish-brown color, a full-bodied taste, and a distinct aroma. In comparison to other tea types, black tea contains a higher caffeine content, offering a stimulating effect.</li>
<strong><span style="text-decoration: underline;">Oolong Tea</span></strong>
<li>Processing Method: Oolong tea falls between green and black tea. Large leaf tea used for oolong tea undergoes intricate processes like shaking, fixation, rolling, and partial fermentation.</li>
<li>Characteristics: Oolong tea exhibits diverse characteristics, with an infusion color and flavor profile that lie between green and black tea. It often carries floral and fruity notes. The caffeine content of oolong tea is moderate.</li>
<strong><span style="text-decoration: underline;">White Tea</span></strong>
<li>Processing Method: While white tea is commonly associated with small leaf cultivars, there are white teas produced using large leaf tea as well. White tea is made by simple methods, usually involving plucking followed by air-drying.</li>
<li>Characteristics: White tea's infusion has a pale yellow color, offering delicate floral aromas and a gentle taste. The production process of white tea is gentle, resulting in a relatively low caffeine content.</li>
<span style="text-decoration: underline;"><strong>Pu'er Tea</strong></span>
<li>Processing Method: Pu'er tea includes raw (sheng) and ripe (shou) categories. Both types are produced from large leaf tea through varying degrees of fermentation and post-processing.</li>
<li>Characteristics: Raw Pu'er yields a light green tea infusion with astringency, suitable for aging. Ripe Pu'er produces a reddish-brown infusion with aged flavors and a round taste. Pu'er tea is known for its potential for long-term storage and aging.</li>

Each category of large-leaf tea has its unique characteristics and flavor profiles. Choosing the right type of tea can be based on personal taste preferences and health considerations.

Large-Leaf Pu'er Tea is suitable for long-term storage due to its components and special post-fermentation process. To maintain its quality, consider the following storage conditions:
<li>Dry environment. Store the tea in a dry and well-ventilated place to prevent moisture.</li>
<li>Avoid direct sunlight. Protect the tea from direct sunlight to preserve its aroma and color.</li>
<li>Proper ventilation. Store the tea in a place with good air circulation to prevent the absorption of external odors.</li>
<li>Isolate strong odors. Large-Leaf Tea can absorb odors. This gives each aged tea its own character, but strong odors can make for a very unpleasant tea.</li>
Proper storage conditions will help your Large-Leaf Pu'er Tea maintain its unique characteristics and quality over an extended period.

Here's how to brew Large-Leaf Tea:
<li>Prepare the Teaware: Use a teapot or teacup and preheat it with hot water.</li>
<li>Add Tea Leaves: Put an appropriate amount of Large-Leaf Tea leaves into the teapot or teacup. Generally, use 3-5 grams of tea leaves for every 100 milliliters (3-4oz) of water.</li>
<li>Water Temperature: Use water at around 90°C (194°F), not boiling water, to avoid damaging the aroma and flavor of the tea leaves.</li>
<li>Steeping Time: For the first steep, let the tea leaves steep for about 20-30 seconds. Gradually increase the steeping time for subsequent infusions, adjusting according to your personal taste.</li>
<li>Pour the Tea: Pour the brewed tea into a teacup.</li>
<li>Repeated Infusions: Large-Leaf Tea can typically be steeped multiple times. You may need to increase the steeping time after the third or fourth infusion.</li>

Yunnan Large-Leaf Tea and Small-Leaf Tea differ in chemical composition and suitability for different tea types. Here are some of their main differences:

Large-Leaf Tea:
<li>High tea polyphenol content. Large-Leaf Tea contains a higher content of tea polyphenols, which have antioxidant properties.</li>
<li>Suitable for Black Tea and Pu'er Tea. The composition of Large-Leaf Tea is suitable for producing these two types of tea, particularly Pu'er tea where the unique post-fermentation process interacts with the tea polyphenols.</li>
Small-Leaf Tea (e.g., Dragon Well Tea):
<li>Higher amino acid and amine content. Small-Leaf Tea has a higher content of amino acids and amines, contributing to its strong aroma and pleasant taste.</li>
<li>Suitable for Green Tea. The characteristics of Small-Leaf Tea make it ideal for producing green tea, emphasizing a fresh aroma.</li>

Yunnan Large-Leaf Tea possesses the following characteristics due to its unique growing environment:
<li>Rich aroma and flavor. Large-Leaf Tea has a high content of water-soluble compounds, resulting in a strong aroma and rich flavor.</li>
<li>Complex flavor profile. Compared to small leaf tea, Large-Leaf Tea has a more intense and layered flavor profile.</li>
<li>Endurance for multiple infusions. The smaller sponge tissue cells in Large-Leaf Tea leaves contribute to its durability for multiple infusions.</li>
<li>Strong antioxidant properties. The abundant content of tea polyphenols in Large-Leaf Tea provides strong antioxidant effects.</li>

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